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Arizona Families Fighting Illicit Drugs joins El Tour to help raise money, awareness

El Tour de Tucson has more than 70 charities lined up for this year’s event on Nov. 23.

One is Arizona Families Fighting Illicit Drugs. It’s a powerful non-profit hoping to make an impact. This is their first year with El Tour and we welcome them.

Arizona Families coming together to fight the Illicit drug epidemic by honoring loved ones lost to illicit drugs and sharing their story, educating, providing resources, promoting harm reduction tools such as Narcan and test strips, spreading awareness, holding events, and fighting for legislation to help save other families from experiencing the devastating loss of a loved one to this weapon of mass destruction.

It’s a strong message to fight against drugs as they believe in unity and action. They are a new nonprofit and are committed to positive change through collaborative efforts.

Help them make a difference and consider riding for them! Click here to register with them: https://www.bikesignup.com/Race/80091/Charity/27911