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Changing Your Distance


El Tour de Tucson will allow you to switch your distance (transfer event) at no charge up until October 18th.   For example, if you want to switch from the Century 102-Mile to the Metric Century 62-Mile event you can do this at no charge through October 18th at 5:00pm MST.

After October 18th, there will be a $25 transfer fee.  This is the point where we print bib numbers and assign the tracker chips.  Switches/transfers after this point cause us to create a entirely new credential packet.

To make changes to your registration, like transferring distances, sign in to your Bike Sign Up page at https://www.bikesignup.com/

Here is a quick how-to on changing your ride distance (or click the image below.) https://eltourdetucson.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024-Changing-Distances.pdf