We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit that produces bicycling events for community, charity and wellness.
El Tour de Tucson is Perimeter Bicycling’s flagship event and one of the largest bicycling events in America. Held annually the Saturday before Thanksgiving, El Tour attracts over 9,000 cyclists of all ages and abilities from around the United States and beyond. El Tour’s finish line/annual Downtown Expo & Fiesta, brings together cyclists and members of the greater Tucson community for a celebration of charities, community, health and fitness.
As we head into the 41st anniversary of El Tour de Tucson, Perimeter Bicycling wants to emphasize all components are catalysts in driving it to help raise money for more than 100 nonprofits throughout the year.
El Tour de Tucson enables nonprofit, charitable agencies to raise funds for their respective organizations. Learn about their programs and sign up to ride on their teams here.
In 2019, we reached a significant milestone in being the facilitator for helping charities raise over $100 million through Perimeter’s 40 years of charity work. In 2023, charities raised more than $5.8 million, moving the overall total to nearly $121 million since El Tour started in 1983.
El Tour has come a long way, given in that 1983 with fewer than 200 cyclists, El Tour raised $4,500 in its first ride.
Since then, more than 300,000 cyclists have ridden in Perimeter events. El Tour, of course, has grown considerably since its inception, but the message has long been constant: charity, community, health and wellness through a strong and committed group of nonprofits, thousands of dedicated cyclists and volunteers who know the power of teamwork.


Each Perimeter Bicycling event enables nonprofit, charitable agencies to raise funds for their respective organizations. Fundraising not only helps the charities raise needed funds, but also helps raise awareness of their charity in our community.
How we began – Richard J. DeBernardis became a dedicated touring bicyclist riding from Alaska to Mexico (2,218 mi in 40 days). Moving to Tucson in the early 80’s, the concept of a fundraising bicycling event was born. The first perimeter bicycle event was held in Tucson in 1983. With the inception of a second event in 1986 Perimeter Bicycling Association of America was formed. El Tour de Tucson is Perimeter Bicycling’s flagship event and the largest perimeter bicycling event in America. Held annually the Saturday before Thanksgiving,
El Tour attracts over 9,000 cyclists of all ages and abilities from around the United States and beyond. Since 2005, El Tour’s finish line/annual Downtown Expo & Fiesta, brings together cyclists and members of the greater Tucson community for a celebration of art, health and fitness.
Perimeter Bicycling is dedicated to making Tucson/Pima County the nation’s best bicycling region. In 2008, the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) awarded the Tucson/Pima Eastern Region Gold-Level “Bicycle Friendly” designation for its commitment to providing safe facilities for bicyclists and its support of bicycling for recreation, fitness and transportation. The LAB renewed the region’s Gold level in 2012. Perimeter Bicycling is actively working with volunteers and staff from the City of Tucson and Pima County to continue a concerted effort to achieve top honors.