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E-Bikes are allowed in all distances of El Tour with the following restrictions:

  1. E-Bikes are not allowed in Platinum corrals, even if you have previously qualified as Platinum.
  2. E-Bike cyclists are not eligible for any placements awards
  3. E-bikes must be pedal-assist, no throttle-only.
  4. E-Bikes will have their own category, please be sure to indicate that you are riding an E-Bike during registration
  5. Riders on E-bikes will be timed.

Under Arizona legislation, ARS 28-819: “An operator of an electric bicycle is granted all the rights and privileges and is subject to all of the duties of a person riding a bicycle“.

Event Benefits for all Registered Cyclists

  • Medallion to all finishers
  • Personalized Ride Bib Number (through October 1st)
  • Free admission to the El Tour Expo & Fiesta
  • Fruit, snacks and water at aid stations every 7-12 miles
  • SAG support
  • Opportunity to earn special awards
  • Traffic control on route
  • First Aid support
  • Electronically timed finish
  • Results published on website

Individual Registration Fees

  • $40 – Youth (age 17 or under)
  • $125 – Adults until May 31st
  • $135 – Adults until June 30th
  • $145 – Adults until July 31st
  • $155 – Adults until August 31st
  • $165 – Adults until September 30th
  • $175 – Adults until October 31st
  • $185 – Adults until November 10th
  • $200 – Adults until November 14th
  • $300 – Adults until November 18th

Non-Profit Team Ride Registration Fees

  • $125 – Adults until May 31st
  • $135 – Adults until June 30th
  • $145 – Adults until October 31st

Military/First Responders Ride Registration Fees

  • $110 – Adults until June 30th
  • $120 – Adults until August 30th
  • $130 – Adults until October 1st
  • $145 – Adults until November 15th

Family Fun Ride Registration Fees

  • $15 per person

5K Run/Walk Registration Fees

  • $20 per person – until April 30th
  • $25 per person – until August 31st
  • $30 per person – until November 20th
  • $40 per person – Race week, until November 22nd

Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

There will be no refunds for merchandise

If any changes are needed in your results (can’t find them, wrong distance, etc.), please notify us immediately by calling 520-745 2033 or e-mailing: info@eltourdetucson.org  We will research the information you give us and make changes as warranted as quickly as possible.  Remember we now use CHIP TIME as well as GUN TIME and both results will be posted.

Comments, concerns & issues should be sent to: info@eltourdetucson.org   We want to hear from you- we hope you will have a great ride but improvements can be made only if we hear from  you. Thank you for participating in El Tour!

Unofficial results will be posted within an hour of your finish.  Look for the results board near the beer garden at the finish line. They will also be posted at https://eltourdetucson.wpenginepowered.com/results  on El Tour Day. Please check results, if changes are needed, please email  info@eltourdetucson.org     Results are OFFICIAL and will not be altered after April 1st

El Tour’s Official Timer is On Your Left Fitness and Timing.  Your time is recorded when your chip on your bib number crosses the finish line.  Be sure you mount this number properly or your time may not be recorded- do not fold it, bend it, cut it down or put tape over it..  It will be in your rider packet/envelope.

Recumbents and handcycles must mount the “seat post” number on the frame of the bike towards the front on the undercarriage. TANDEMS will have just one number.

The Official rider bib number to be pinned on your body will be marked with your estimated medallion color in the finish chute. 

Finish Line Chute volunteers hand you the medallion your earned. 

START TIME IS NOW “CHIP TIME.” This means that everyone’s time starts when rolls through the starting line at the start. 

Changing event mileage?  TELL US!  Your results are recorded based on the info we have.  Last chance to change at packet pick/expo

Platinum cyclists are those in the 102-mile distance and starting in 2023 in the 63-mile distance with extensive experience in riding in a pack/peloton. Cyclists must meet specific criteria to earn platinum designation and must attend a special meeting.  Visit the Platinum Designation information in the Rider Guide for more information including meeting times, how to get the pass required to enter the platinum corral on ride day, etc.

ALL PLATINUM PASSES EXPIRE AT 6:30am on ride day for the 102 mile and 8:45am for the 63 mile.  No exceptions.  Be in the platinum corral before 6:30am/8:45am or you will not be allowed to enter.  If you earned platinum, don’t waste it by being late.

102 Mile Start Time is 7am

Line up according to your expected finish time. Posted signs will identify each area.

NO FENCE JUMPING.  Some cyclists arrive as early as 4:00am to line up in front of their section.  Respect those who arrive early and do not jump the fence.  Late arrivals who jump the fence will be disqualified.

How to STAY WARM while you wait for the start time:  get sweatshirt/pants from your favorite thrift store to wear over your kit.  A few minutes before the start, toss them over the railing.  A crew will pick up all the tossed clothes which will be given to a charity thrift store.  DO  NOT LEAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SEE AGAIN! 


Perimeter Bicycling and El tour de Tucson are thrilled to to bring this world class event to downtown Tucson.  El Tour de Tucson was recognized by USA TODAY as the country’s Top Road Cycling Event.  All Rides/Routes start and finish at the Tucson Convention Center and the surrounding area.

  • The Century (7:00am start)
    102 Mile
  • 5K Run/Walk (7:15 am start)
    3.1 Mile 5K run/walk
  • The FUN Rides! (8:00 am start)
    3 Mile / 1 Mile
  • The Metric Century (9:00 am start)
    62 Mile/100 Kilometer
  • The Half Metric Century (10:00 am start)
    32 Mile/50 Kilometer

All events start and finish at the Tucson Convention Center in Downtown Tucson.  The start line is located at 190 West Cushing Street near the DoubleTree Hotel at Cushing & Church Street.  Enjoy the festivities of the El Tour Expo & Fiesta at the end of the ride featuring food and drink, live entertainment, awards ceremonies, and the Dragoon Brewing Finish Line Beer Garden.

Please note that all routes officially close at 4:30 pm.


Rules were created for the safety and fairness for all participants, spectators and the community.  We appreciate your cooperation in following all event official rules, directives from event officials including Bike Patrol, and abiding by Arizona bicycle laws.  Rules will be enforced.  Police, Bike Patrol and other course officials will take rider numbers of violators, who will be disqualified, and who will, as a result of their violation, not receive a finishing time or ranking.

Some rule highlights:

  • Do not cross a solid or double yellow line.
  • Properly wear a CPSC-approved helmet.
  • NO aerobars on your bike
  • ONE earbud is legal, two is not… don’t block out other cyclists and traffic!
  • Human powered vehicles only for placement awards or qualifying for Platinum.
  • NO FENCE JUMPING at the start line.
  • Don’t be a DQ statistic! Help keep El Tour a safe and fun event for everyone!

Report rule violations to info@eltourdetucson.org Please include your name, contact info, the violator’s rider number, locations and details. We’ll follow up!  Thank you for helping us to keep El Tour safe and fair for all cyclists!


Approximately 150 trained Bike Patrol cyclists will be on the route in bright yellow jerseys or t-shirts.  They help with mechanical problems, minor medical needs and encouragement. If you experience a problem on route just flag down a Bike Patrol member.  To help Bike Patrol help you bring these items:  1-2 spare tubes, tire levers, tire patch kit and other basic bicycle gear; 1-2 water bottles a cell phone or change for a pay phone.  Wear a CPSC-approved bicycle helmet (required). 

Bike Patrol cyclists are event officials; they are out there to help you.   However, if necessary, they are also course marshals and will report rule violations to headquarters. Remember cyclists violating rules may be disqualified; see section “Disqualification”.

There are aid stations approximately each 7-12 miles staffed by volunteers offering bananas, oranges and water. Each will have port-o-pots.  Some stations will serve raisins (or other fruit item), cookies and/or pretzels.  The Aid Station volunteers may provide other food items.  Please be courteous to them – they are there to help you.

Aid stations along the route close according to a schedule that will allow cyclists to finish by 4:30pm.  If you are riding a pace that will NOT allow you to finish by 4:30pm the aid stations may close before you get there and other route support will be in front of you.  Please be prepared.

If you have special dietary restrictions or need more nutrition, please bring your own or plan to stop at a store along the way.

Water is the only beverage served to cyclists.  Remember to drink BEFORE you are thirsty.  Bring ELECTROLYTE REPLACEMENTS with you to help reduce cramps and muscle spasms.  Please test electrolytes on a training ride before the event. For safety reasons, cyclists stopping at aid stations MUST move OFF THE ROAD to avoid oncoming riders and vehicles.  

Be prepared at all times to stop for motor traffic along the route!  Traffic control officials move cyclists through intersections without stopping most of the time.    However, you may be stopped to relieve traffic congestion. Please be patient with the police if you are stopped. They do a great service for El Tour cyclists; give them a friendly wave as you pass by! 


Distances may be changed due to last minute construction, inclement weather or other unexpected circumstance

The route for El Tour is posted on the route/maps page.


Plan your Aid Station stops! Aid stations close according to a schedule that will allow cyclists to finish by 4:30pm.  They will NOT be open all day.  All course support, including traffic control and aid stations, will be discontinued at 4:30pm.  Finishing times will not be recorded after 4:30pm.

At Expo/Packet Pickup you will receive three types of rider numbers to identify you as an official entrant in the ride:

  1. Official Rider Number (“bib”)– this contains one  TIMING DEVICE: your primary event number (mandatory).  Pin this to your LEFT SIDE on the layer of clothing you expect to finish in.   This number will be marked with a color indicating your estimated medallion time at the finish line.  The mark is required to get your medallion.  Note: the final determination of your finish time is based on the time recorded by the timing device embedded in your handlebar number. 
  2. “Seatpost” number – this contains your second TIMING DEVICE.  You must attach this to your seat post so that it hangs horizontally and is visible as you cross the finish line.  Do not bend, fold or cut this number or cover it with tape.  If you fail to mount this number properly your time may not be recorded. It is also the ID number for FinisherPix who will be on hand at the finish and on the route snapping you in action.
  3. Helmet number –to be placed on front of helmet. The rider/bib number is for results and medallion distribution.  This helps identify you in photos!

All Rides/Routes start and finish at the Tucson Convention Center and the surrounding area.

Perimeter Bicycling and El tour de Tucson are thrilled to to bring this world class event to downtown Tucson.  El Tour de Tucson was recognized by USA TODAY as the country’s Top Road Cycling Event.  All Rides/Routes start and finish at the Tucson Convention Center and the surrounding area.

    • The Century (7:00am start)
      102 Mile
    • 5K Run/Walk (7:15 am start)
      3.1 Mile, certified 5K run/walk
    • The FUN Rides! (8:00 am start)
      3 Mile / 1 Mile
    • The Metric Century (9:00 am start)
      62 Mile/100 Kilometer
    • The Half Metric Century (10:00 am start)
      32 Mile/50 Kilometer

The El Tour Expo & Fiesta will be at the newly renovated Tucson Convention Center.  Most of the activities including the live music, food, beer garden and some exhibitors will be outdoors!

Cyclists are advised to arrive one hour prior to your event starting time so you can find a place to park and get to the start line. NO FENCE JUMPING – if you want to line up in front of your corral, be there early.  There is no check-in when you arrive. You will have received all materials at Expo

There is ample parking available at the Tucson Convention Center parking lots for a fee.  City and county parking garages and parking lots will be open, all within blocks of the Tucson Convention Center.  There is also street parking in the neighborhoods.  Please do not block driveways.  Street parking is restricted in some areas to residents… watch the street signs carefully.  Caution: Remove bike from roof rack before entering parking structures! 

El Tour Safety & Route Orientation Meeting

Attendance by all cyclists is highly encouraged at the El Tour Safety and Route Orientation Meetings.  These meetings provide El Tour cyclists with valuable Ride Day information regarding route conditions, updated cautions, safety protocols and other safety tips.

This is a great opportunity to ask questions about the ride and the route to veteran El Tour riders and the Bike Patrol riders.

Meetings take place inside the Tucson Convention Center.

We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable ride!

A schedule will be posted in the near future



El Tour de Tucson will allow you to switch your distance (transfer event) at no charge up until October 18th.   For example, if you want to switch from the Century 102-Mile to the Metric Century 62-Mile event you can do this at no charge through October 18th at 5:00pm MST.

After October 18th, there will be a $25 transfer fee.  This is the point where we print bib numbers and assign the tracker chips.  Switches/transfers after this point cause us to create a entirely new credential packet.

To make changes to your registration, like transferring distances, sign in to your Bike Sign Up page at https://www.bikesignup.com/

Here is a quick how-to on changing your ride distance (or click the image below.) https://eltourdetucson.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024-Changing-Distances.pdf

Cyclists arrive from all over the country and the world to be a part of El Tour – many arrive on Friday which has the highest volume.

Each cyclist must pick up his/her own packet at El Tour’s at the Expo .  THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE PACKETS WILL BE ISSUED.  

Picking Up Your Packet

  • Bring your QR code, either printed out or on your smartphone.
  • Your QR code will be on the registration confirmation email sent to you.
  • The El Tour QR Code will also be sent a reminder email to all registered participants the Monday of ride week.
  • In order to pick up a youth’s packet without the youth present, the registered guardian must bring his/her own valid photo ID; his/her own QR code, either printed out or on a smartphone; and the youth’s QR code. You do not need to provide ID for the registered youth.
  • Note that adults may only pick up the rider packet for the single youth registered in connection with their name.

Proxy Packet Pickup

Anyone picking up a packet for someone else must bring the following to the Expo

  • Valid photo ID
  • Print-out or digital display (on a smartphone or tablet) of the QR code(s) for the individual(s) whose packet you are picking up.

Here’s how to keep your cost down: 

  • Register Early!
    The entry fee increases over time – the sooner you register, the lower the fees.  
  • Ride for Your Favorite Non-Profit



Registration for the 102-63-32-mile distances along with the Family Fun Ride and 5K must be completed online.

Online registration closes November 22, 2024 at 5pm.


2025 El Tour Countdown!


EL TOUR DE TUCSON is checked off my bucket list!!!! What a great experience and I placed in the top 800!!! It’s not about winning it, it’s about finishing it!

Tucson is an incredible city and beautiful location for a large cycling event. El Tour brings together cyclists from all over the world and promotes cycling, personal fitness, and community engagement.

El Tour de Tucson is becoming an annual family tradition. So much fun!

Amazing! We were able to raise community awareness, serve our charity and have our multi-generational family get addicted to a new sport- cycling!!

El Tour is a fantastic experience and celebration of Tucson’s cycling community.

Loved the ride. This is the 18th time I’ve done the ride and hope it comes back next year bigger and better.
