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Gluck: ‘I started riding bikes and I enjoyed it’

Nathan Gluck loves cycling and it showed on Friday morning at the first of three rides at El Tour de Zona. He was one of – if not – the first in after a 26-mile ride in Sierra Vista.

Mind you, it’s not a race, but when you’re 18 years old and want to be good in the cycling world speed is important. But so is having fun.

And cycling is fun to Nathan, who just picked up the sport three, four years ago.

“I was looking for a sport after Covid (hit),” he said. “I just started riding bikes and I enjoyed it.”

Nathan Gluck at El Tour de Zona

Just recently, he rode Ramsey Peak 86 times. That’s no typo – 86 which translated into 236 miles in 23 hours.

Nathan is ready for distance and speed. Friday, his ride in Sierra Vista took him close to 80 minutes.

He rides for the Buena High School cycling team and trains on his own for bigger events like the Whiskey 50, Tour of the White Mountains.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Nathan road for a event sponsored by Benson Hospital (which is under TMC Health and the sponsor for El Tour de Zona) and won the race. It caught Benson Hospital’s eye and they said they wanted him to ride in Zona.

And he did.

“I was like, ‘sure,” he said, smiling.

Sure, indeed. He had fun while working out.

“The weather was amazing,” he said, of the 70-degree weather and cool breeze. “It’s the first good weather in a week.”

He should know given he’s out riding at least four times a week.

He’s looking forward to today riding to Bisbee and back and Sunday to Tombstone.

His future? He hopes to get into the Air Force and ride for its cycling team.