Sean Pantellere is proof positive Tour de Zona is more than a three-day event but…
United Way back in El Tour looking to be ‘champion change’ and ‘uplift lives’
For the United Way of Tucson El Tour is more than a bike ride or a 5K Run/Walk.
It’s a chance “champion change, uplift lives, and create opportunities for those who need it most in our community.”
It’s a reason why they are back in El Tour. United Way makes a difference – and uses El Tour to do just that.
“By joining El Tour de Tucson, you become an integral part of a movement that’s transforming the lives of countless individuals and families across the region,” United Way writes. “Every dollar raised goes directly to improving the lives of children, families, and order adults right here in Southern Arizona.”
Here’s the link for more information and to join United Way for the Nov. 23 event:
United Way of Tucson responds to the community’s needs, transforms lives and brings long-lasting systemic change to our community by focusing on the underlying issues. They fight for education, financial wellness, equality and healthy communities for every person in Tucson and Southern Arizona. Their role as community convener enables them to serve more than 250,000 people each year by forming strategic partnerships, mobilizing the best resources and being the catalyst for needed, positive change.