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As part of El Tour de Zona, TMC Health ‘is committed to caring for our community’

Loyalty and consistency are part of the fabric of TMC Health. El Tour de Tucson through El Tour de Zona is well aware of that, given TMC Health has been part of our great ride in southern Arizona.

TMC Health – through Benson Hospital – is back for the fourth consecutive year as the title sponsor of the three-day event based in Sierra Vista with rides to Bisbee and Tombstone, and, of course, Sierra Vista.

Perimeter Bicycling appreciates TMC Health as we get ready for the March 20-23 event, where more than 600 cyclists will spend three days cycling, camping, dancing and having fun in the cool climes of southern Arizona.

After the first year – in TMC’s initial year as a sponsor – it went so well, officials decided to return as the title sponsor. They have not left us, knowing the importance of the event to the area and to help promote cycling in southern Arizona. They also are aware Tour de Zona builds community and contributes to the overall economy of Cochise County.

“TMC Health is committed to caring for our community,” said Julia Strange, TMC Health Vice President of External Affairs and Brand. “Not only in the four walls of our hospitals, but in fun and engaging events and activities. El Tour de Zona is not only unique to southern Arizona, but an excellent partner to promote health and wellness in our region,”

And who knows better about southern Arizona than TMC Health? It serves the community with dedication and commitment that’s unparalleled.

TMC Health is a regional nonprofit health system that includes Tucson Medical Center, TMCOne, Benson Hospital, Northern Cochise Community Hospital and TMC Rincon Hospital in Southeast Tucson.

TMC Health believes in promoting healthy activities throughout the region and Tour de Zona fits perfectly with that. They are also part of numerous events throughout the area.

Still, it’s more than just a ride for TMC Health and Benson Hospital – it’s about riding to stay healthy and enjoying the landscape of the area.

In addition to community health, TMC is committed to the health of their employees as well. Their Fit Employee Ambassador Team (FEAT) will have another strong contingent at this year’s event, proving the community health starts at home

We look forward to seeing everyone there.