Sean Pantellere is proof positive Tour de Zona is more than a three-day event but…
BICAS has been a big part of El Tour for a long time; help them help cyclists
In fact, they’ve never left when it comes to supporting El Tour de Tucson. They are riding to support Tucson’s community bicycle recycling and education center.
Have you ridden in El Tour de Tucson? Are you planning to ride in the 40th El Tour de Tucson? Would you like to support BICAS while enjoying long road rides? If so, BICAS seeks an experienced recreational road cyclist to co-coordinate its participation in the 40th El Tour de Tucson.
This is what they are saying: riding in El Tour as part of a team is a lot of fun – especially when BICAS can cover your registration fees. And there’s a lot to fielding a team to ride in El Tour de Tucson that doesn’t happen on a bike. If you’re not interested in riding but want to be a part of BICAS’ participation in El Tour de Tucson, there are lots of ways to help.
If you are interested in riding for BICAS visit:
They also are looking for someone to work with our current (volunteer) Team BICAS coordinator to assist in signing up new riders, leading training rides and staffing Team BICAS pop up events. Along the way, we’ll have fun making new friends, riding long (and short) rides and supporting BICAS’ work.
If this volunteer role interests you, please contact