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Jessica Cox eager to get back on the bike; help others with motivational speeches
Jessica Cox can’t wait for the Banner – University Medicine 38th El Tour in November. It’s been about a year since Perimeter Bicycling named her the Dedication Recipient for the 2020 ride.
“I was sorry to see the El Tour get cancelled,” said Cox, who will be the Dedication Recipient in 2021 as well, “but it was for the best for the safety and health of everyone. I look forward to the one coming up.”
We all do.
In the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, much has come to halt, but now restrictions are being eased and vaccinations available. Throughout most of the pandemic, cycling became more and more popular.
Cox will be getting back on her bike to prepare for the ride, which will benefit her foundation: RightFootedFoundation.org.
“I’ll be getting my bike out on the new trails up here in Oro Valley,” she said.
She’ll be looking for cyclists in the next few months to help raise money for the foundation.
In the meantime, she’s been busy – and hopes to remain busy – giving motivational speeches to organizations and schools. Lest we forget, she’s an avid cyclist and the world’s first licensed armless pilot. She was born without arms due to a birth defect.
It was just seven months ago she went on a flying adventure in Maryland to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the passing of the American Disabilities Act. She flew her Ercoupe plane with retired Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, who helped pass the ADA in 1990.
“It was amazing,” she said. “CNN did a story. A number of outlets did stories. The plan was rigged up with five cameras. It was an amazing flight that day.”
After the ride back then, Cox told reporters: “It was a privilege to fly with the person who made so much of a difference in the lives of those like me,” Cox told reporters. “It was a privilege to get to talk to Senator Harkin about the work he has done – and to talk about what still needs to be done.”
In the coming months, she’ll continue to provide motivational speeches.
“I’m doing a lot of virtual speeches at a time when people need it most,” she said. “People are experiencing burnout and people have been unmotivated because all this has been going on for so long. I’m doing my best to do things virtually to help.”
If you’d like to have Jessica Cox speak to your organization or school, contact her at: JessicaCox.com. Make a request through that website.