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Expo/Packet Pick Up

Each cyclist must pick up his/her own packet at El Tour’s at the Expo .  THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE PACKETS WILL BE ISSUED.  

Picking Up Your Packet

  • Bring your QR code, either printed out or on your smartphone.
  • Your QR code will be on the registration confirmation email sent to you.
  • The El Tour QR Code will also be sent a reminder email to all registered participants the Monday of ride week.
  • In order to pick up a youth’s packet without the youth present, the registered guardian must bring his/her own valid photo ID; his/her own QR code, either printed out or on a smartphone; and the youth’s QR code. You do not need to provide ID for the registered youth.
  • Note that adults may only pick up the rider packet for the single youth registered in connection with their name.

Proxy Packet Pickup

Anyone picking up a packet for someone else must bring the following to the Expo

  • Valid photo ID
  • Print-out or digital display (on a smartphone or tablet) of the QR code(s) for the individual(s) whose packet you are picking up.
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