Sean Pantellere is proof positive Tour de Zona is more than a three-day event but…
Biodiversity Group joins El Tour to help protect species and habitats others neglect
We continue to get some great non-profit partners as part of the El Tour team for the upcoming Banner – University Medicine 39th El Tour de Tucson. A new partnership comes from Biodiversity Group.
They will be among the nearly 50 non-profit organizations riding to raise money for their cause.
We welcome them!
The Biodiversity Group protects the species and habitats that other organizations neglect – the conservation underdogs and what we term Life Overlooked, according to their website.
For over two decades our programs have been improving species equality by delivering insights and discoveries that have led to life-saving protections for some of the most overlooked wildlife on our planet. We have one of the lowest overhead costs around because we have some of the best volunteers in the business! Ninety percent of donations go directly towards one of their conservation programs.
For more information and to help Biodiversity Group during El Tour visit: Donate to Save Wildlife Species That Most Organizations Neglect (