El Tour de Tucson and Banner – University Medicine presented a check to Pima JTED,…
Timing was Everything for Karen Murray Boston in liking El Tour
Karen Murray Boston knows where she will be the week before Thanksgiving. Or at least hopes to be – Southern Arizona, visiting friends, family and riding in El Tour de Tucson.
Karen was the winner of our El Tour Facebook Contest, becoming the 10,000 like to our Facebook page. She’ll receive a free entry into El Tour come Nov. 21, 2020.
“I was very surprised and excited about winning the entry,” she said. “I went to junior high and high school in Tucson and my parents live in southern Arizona so it’s familiar territory.”

She and her husband will ride in the event, one she first rode in 17 years ago when she first started cycling.
“I remember how long it was and how I rode my bike in every possible position because I was so uncomfortable,” she said.
Now, she’s all but a pro on the bike. She lives in Colorado and trains for triathlons.
“I probably ride about 100 miles a week,” she said.
With the ride seven months away, she’s already looking forward to it.
“November in Colorado can be very cold, so taking a trip to warmer weather will be great,” she said. “However, I do know the desert is cold in the mornings.”
But it’ll seem almost tropical in November compared to Colorado. Until then, she’ll enjoy that she won the entry and prepare for the ride.
“I have ridden in it and wanted to see if it was still going on,” she said of looking into the ride and liking El Tour’s Facebook page. “I have done the Copper Triangle here in Colorado (three mountain peaks over 10,000 ft) and a few other tours, so this is fitting to come back to the one I started with.”
Fitting – and perfect timing – indeed.