El Tour de Tucson and Banner – University Medicine presented a check to Pima JTED,…
Arts Express back to be part of El Tour’s 39th year
Before our El Tour rides there is something pleasing to the ears as is the case with most sporting events: it’s the national anthem. For years at El Tour de Tucson, Arts Express has provided the vocal sounds of its members. This year will be no different.
The singers will be performing then national anthem at each ride. To say they do a great job would be an understatement.
It gets the cyclists hearts racing before the actual ride. We always look forward to having them as part of El Tour.
Welcome back!
They do a great job with a number of talented performers. If you ever get a chance to go see them perform, please do.
The work via their mottos:
We believe in the value of life-long learning through the arts and our responsibility to preserve and pass on the fundamental skills involved in individual artistic expression to future generations.
Based on empirical data, we believe that arts education enhances student achievement, increases self-esteem and actively empowers students; connecting them with school, their community and life.
We believe that quality entertainment plays a vital role in arts education since performance is the goal for mastery of artistic skill and provides a framework for developing mentors and role models.
We believe in the transformational power of the arts to build character through healthy lifestyle choices, critical thinking and understanding and, with this in mind, will develop and maintain programs and events with high standards of excellence.
We believe that the arts are central to the sustained vitality of our community and therefore explore new ideas and invest in new collaborations and partnerships with artists, businesses, government, educational institutions, churches and other arts organizations.
We believe that the arts are a valuable catalyst for learning about one’s own culture and that of others, thus encouraging civic engagement and bridging racial, cultural, social, economic, religious and generational divides.